Dir. of Marketing

congatec Inc.

Articles 1 - 10

Small Modules Make the Big Picture for UAV - Blog

July 01, 2024

Drones carrying out landscape and agricultural surveillance tasks need to capture massive image data sets for 3D modeling and analysis. The smart binary brains of those drones are more and more often built using off-the-shelf credit card sized Computer-on-Modules, seconded by off-the-shelf standard carrier boards.


What’s New in PICMG COM-HPC Specification 1.2 - Blog

February 01, 2024

Christian Eder, Chair of the COM-HPC working group and Director of Market Intelligence at congatec, shares the key innovations in the high-performance Computer-on-Module standard.

Open Source

Choosing the Appropriate Computer-on-Module Standard - Blog

May 22, 2023

Unless developers are true embedded and edge computing experts, evaluating and choosing between the different form factor standards can be pretty hard. Yet, depending on the performance class, there is only one standard that is recommended for new system designs. As always, there are exceptions to this rule.


Redfish Based Platform Management Interface for COM-HPC - Blog

February 08, 2022

The PICMG has defined a set of standardized side-band/out-of-band management commands for the recently published COM-HPC Server-on-Module standard. It is called the COM-HPC Platform Management Interface specification, or COM-HPC PMI for short.


COM Express Type 6 and COM-HPC Client: Two great options - Story

September 24, 2020

For the first time in many years, high-end embedded processors are available on two Computer-on-Module form factor options, COM-HPC® Client and COM Express® Type 6.


The Recent Update of a Powerful Specification - Story

September 15, 2020

SMARC 2.0 modules stand out thanks to their large number of graphics, camera, sound, network and optional wireless interfaces.


New Standards, New Uncertainties, New Education Demands - Story

February 17, 2020

What the embedded computing industry is preparing for is the next generation of standards for modular system designs. COM-HPC will be THE focus of nearly all embedded computing vendors.


COM-HPC Rings in Good Tidings for the World of Edge Server Designs - Story

February 10, 2020

It?s a wonderful gift that the PICMG was brought to us with the approval of the pinout for the new high-performance COM?HPC Computer-on-Module specification.


COM-HPC: Limitless High-Speed Scalability - Story

January 10, 2020

Scheduled for the first half of 2020, there is still some time to go before the final PICMG ratification of the COM-HPC specification.


Medical devices with ultrasound-guided navigation ease needle placement for healthcare professionals - Other

May 05, 2017

"Stop – you have reached your destination." With increasing traffic in healthcare centers, clinics face many challenges. Ultrasound-guided dev...

Articles 1 - 10