congatec Inc.
San Diego, CA 92121
+1 858-457-2600

The Road to embedded world: congatec Demonstrates Advanced AI & Motion Control with Intel-Powered Modules - Blog
March 05, 2025congatec, an Intel Titanium partner, will be exhibiting its new Computer-on-Modules at embedded world (Hall 3, Booth 241) leveraging the latest Intel technologies from the credit card sized conga-SA8 SMARC module built with low-power Intel Core 3 technology to the high-performing conga-HPC/cBLS COM-HPC Client module utilizing intel Core S processor technology.
congatec Launches New High-Performance COM-HPC Module with Intel Core S Technology - News
January 07, 2025San Diego, CA, January 7, 2025 -- congatec expanded its portfolio of high-performance COM-HPC Computer-on-Modules (COMs) with the conga-HPC/cBLS, developed especially for power-hungry edge and infrastructure applications.
The Road to embedded World North America: congatec Will Exhibit its Extensive Range of AI-Integrated CoMs - Blog
October 01, 2024congatec will exhibit its extensive range of Computer-on-Modules (CoMs) at embedded world North America (Booth 2223) with innovations that include congatec’s novel aReady. strategy, new Intel Core Ultra processor-based modules with integrated AI, and further premieres based on new low-power high-performing x86 processor technology.
Small Modules Make the Big Picture for UAV - Blog
July 01, 2024Drones carrying out landscape and agricultural surveillance tasks need to capture massive image data sets for 3D modeling and analysis. The smart binary brains of those drones are more and more often built using off-the-shelf credit card sized Computer-on-Modules, seconded by off-the-shelf standard carrier boards.
Application Highlight: congatec Hypervisor-on-Modules to Virtualize IIoT - Story
April 01, 2024With all the buzz around AI and virtualization, especially with the focus on Digital Twin in the embedded systems space, companies are getting loaded up with processing, memory, and applications tailored to deploying these sophisticated modeling and (eventually) predictive AI tools.
Road to embedded world: congatec's Application Ready Intel Powered AI Modules - Blog
March 26, 2024Embedded Computing Design’s Road to Embedded World will highlight a host of embedded suppliers who will be showcasing their latest products and technologies at Embedded World, April 9th to 11th in Nuremberg, Germany. Embedded World is the largest global gathering of its kind. Check back regularly to see where the Road to Embedded World takes us.
congatec Launches New Product Family aReady.COM - News
March 13, 2024San Diego, CA, congatec announced a new product family, aReady.COM, supporting the implementation of embedded and edge computing technology with the assistance of high-performance embedded building blocks, ranging from Computer-on-Modules (COM) to cloud.