Newark Element 14
Chicago, IL 60693-0331
1 800 463 9275

Is Talk of Industry 5.0 Premature? - News
April 24, 2024Chicago, Illinois -- Newark recently conducted an element14 Community poll to measure the current opinion on Industry 5.0 that states that robots and other machines will begin to work alongside humans by utilizing IoT and big data. Results showed various insights on industry experts believing Industry 5.0, while a valid thought, is just premature talk.
Newark Delivers the Pi Day Specials - News
March 14, 2024Chicago, Illinois. For Pi day, Newark is running a special 10% discount promotion on selected Raspberry Pi products. Newark is offering Raspberry Pi 4 Starter Kits to PSUs, ABS and metal cases, Camera V2, and more. The discount will end March 31.
Debug & Test
Keysight, element14 Offer Community Chance to Review Test Suite - News
December 30, 2021The element14 RoadTest is a product review program that provides objective opinions about product quality, ease of use, and performance.
Newark Introduces New Supplier Franchise with Delta Electronics - Press Release
August 17, 2021Newark is now shipping the full portfolio of both Delta Power Products and Delta Fans.
Newark Now Shipping Nexperia Power GaN FETS for Reduced Power Loss in EVs, 5G and IoT - Press Release
October 08, 2020Newark is announcing the availability of Nexperia's new to market, innovative Power Gallium Nitride (GaN) FET range.
Newark Extends Range of Raspberry Pi Accessories - Press Release
August 25, 2020New range of HATs and keyboards in new language options widen market opportunities.
element14 Community Announces Winners of Global Women Makers and Engineers Contest - Press Release
June 22, 2020The Grand Prize winner is Surbhika Rastogi from Uttar Pradesh, India, who created an informative video for making an automatic soap/sanitizer dispenser system.