
1975 W. El Camino Real
Suite 102
Mountain View, CA 94040
Articles related to Drishti

The Problem with the CHIPS Act, Part 2 - Podcast

June 09, 2022

On this episode of Embedded Insiders, Brandon and Rich explore the imminent ratification of the MATTR standard and what opportunities it could introduce in real, regular life situations.

AI & Machine Learning

Success Story: On HELLA’s Automotive Assembly Lines, AI is Helping Humans Too - Story

June 08, 2022

The automotive industry is still working its way back to pre-pandemic levels of manufacturing productivity. But it’s not as simple as flipping a switch. And Gary Jackson, CEO of intelligent automation company Drishti, says that’s because “it is still the case that 70% of all of the assembly work is human dependent, not fully automated.”

AI & Machine Learning

AI Will Mature to Solve Real Operational Problems in 2022 - Story

February 11, 2022

A decade ago AI and ML were considered mysterious and academic, with applicability to real world problems being challenging. The average person would read about something exciting in the press that Stanford or MIT was developing or some experimental software that Google was creating in secret, but it still seemed like science fiction.