Syslogic Offers NVIDIA Jetson Based Embedded System for Railway Application
August 24, 2022

As a Preferred Partner in the NVIDIA Partner Network, Syslogic is offering AI-assisted embedded computers. The company’s AI Railway computers are the first NVIDIA Jetson-based systems certified and approved for the railway industry.
The AI Railway Computer RSL A3 is based on a Jetson AGX Xavier module by NVIDIA. The Railway Computer is designed to meet the requirements of railway vehicles and is suitable for demanding computer vision applications such as autonomous driving, object and signal recognition, or AI-enabled Video Analytics (AVA).
NVIDIA Jetson is a platform designed for artificial intelligence “at the edge”. Accordingly, developers across industries are using NVIDIA Jetson Developer Kits as the base for their AI applications in areas like sensor fusion or inferencing including Linux operating system (L4T).
The new AI Railway Computer RML A3 meets all common railway standards, including EN50155 and fire protection standard EN45545. The solution also features an integrated power supply with a DC input voltage range of 9V to 45V, allowing the Railway PC to be directly connected to the vehicle power supply.
As a computer vision unit, the railway computer performs tasks such as object recognition, environmental perception, intelligent video analytics, or control of autonomous vehicles. Four PoE Gbit interfaces (Power over Ethernet) allow four sensors such as GigE Vision or IP cameras to be connected without requiring their own power supply. The PoE ports are configured as x-coded M12 connectors. Furthermore, digital I/Os, analog inputs, CAN or RS-232/422/485 interfaces can be added.
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