
Tuxera Keeps Your Data Safe When Power is Lost - News
April 24, 2024“If a vehicle crashes while it is recording video on a dashboard camera, a resulting power loss can cause the loss of the last 30 seconds or more of the recording,” said Teemu Sivonen, Product Manager at Tuxera. Tuxera released an innovative data resilience and fail-safety feature for embedded systems developers, its hardware cost-friendly Tuxera Persistence Manager.
Road to embedded world: Tuxera Secures Storage and Networks - Blog
April 09, 2024Embedded Computing Design’s Road to embedded world will highlight a host of embedded suppliers who will be showcasing their latest products and technologies at embedded world, April 9th to 11th in Nuremberg, Germany. embedded world is the largest global gathering of its kind. Check back regularly to see where the Road to embedded world takes us.
embedded world 2024 Best in Show Nominees: Memory & Storage - Story
April 01, 2024The Embedded Computing Design editorial staff is pleased to present this year’s embedded world Best-in-Show nominees in the Memory & Storage category:
Best in Show Nominee: Tuxera Reliance Sense - Product
March 09, 2023Reliance Sense is a flash file system for storing structured data in NOR flash. It efficiently makes use of the byte-addressable mode of NOR flash to minimize flash wear. The file system has a circular design to suit continuous recording workloads, while configuration data is stored according to a linear design.
The Road to embedded world '23: Tuxera, Espoo, Finland - Blog
December 19, 2022Edgar Allan Poe once penned, "Travelling is like dreaming: the only difference is that not everyone, once awaken, can recall their dream. Whereas, everyone has a vivid memory of the trip from which he has returned. " With this in mind, let’s continue our travels on the road to embedded world 2023.
Embedded World 2022 Best in Show Winners: Memory & Storage - Story
June 17, 2022Winners have been chosen based on a 15-point rubric that considers solutions’ Design Excellence (5 points), Relative Performance (5 points), and Market Impact/Disruption (5 points).
Tuxera Flash Memory Testing Service - Product
June 16, 2022Tuxera Flash Memory Testing Service is a flash memory validation service helping OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers to determine the best choice for their embedded flash storage needs.