Trusted Computing Group
Beaverton, OR 97003

IoT Device Security Conference Goes Virtual, Featuring Presentations from IAR Systems, The Trusted Computing Group, Cypress, and More - Press Release
October 06, 2020Technical Conference is Dedicated to Securing Today's Connected Devices, using AI/Machine Learning and other Techniques. Register for the Free Conference, Today.
Defeating the Rise of Cyber Threats with Latest TPM 2.0 Specification - Story
September 25, 2020According to Gartner, global spending for protecting software and systems is forecast to reach US $133.7 billion in 2022, highlighting the need for new ways of tackling them.
Embedded Insiders: embedded world Preview - Podcast
February 21, 2020In this edition of the embedded insiders, Brandon and Rich share their thoughts on the upcoming embedded world trade show in Nuremberg, Germany.
How to secure network equipment using Infineon OPTIGA - TPM hardware-based security solutions, the TPM Software Stack and Lanner security exp - Whitepaper
February 19, 2020Computers, servers and the people that operate them used to be the primary target of attackers. Today, because of increasing connectivity and dependence on networks, network equipment has become...
Trusted Computing Group Keeps Securing Connections, This Time at Embedded World 2019 - News
March 05, 2019Babak Sar Ashki, an FAE at Wind River and member of the Trusted Computing Group, reviews the latter organization's tech, trends, and activities at Embedded World 2019.
Trusted Computing Group, with Embedded Computing Design, Will Address IoT Security at June 28 Sensors Expo & Conference Workshop - Press Release
May 10, 2018TCG Members to Demonstrate Secure Network Equipment, Trusted Software Stack and Lightweight DICE Root of Trust in Booth #1539
Trusted Computing Group/Winbond at Embedded World 2018 - Video
February 27, 2018Rich Nass, EVP of Editorial, interviews Ilia Stolov with Winbond at the Trusted Computing Group, in the shared Embedded Pavillion, booth 3A-507. #ew18 #iot @embedded_world