Synopsys, Inc.

690 East Middlefield Road
Mountain View, CA 94043
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Synopsys, Inc.
Articles related to Synopsys, Inc.

The Role of Confirmation Measures in ISO 26262 Functional Safety Automotive Products - Whitepaper

January 23, 2023

Compliance with the ISO 26262 standard is essential for ensuring the safety and reliability of safety-critical automotive systems.

Software & OS

CISQ Issues its Cost of Poor Software Quality in the US: A 2022 Report - News

December 20, 2022

BOSTON, MA. The Consortium for Information & Software Quality (CISQ) issued the Cost of Poor Software Quality in the US: A 2022 Report. In its report, CISQ discovered weak software performance in the US is now costing companies $2.41 trillion, while the technical debt (the cost of reworking suboptimal software) of the accumulated software has risen around $1.52 trillion.

Analog & Power

How Low Can You Go? Pushing the Limits of Transistors - Whitepaper

December 13, 2022

Demand for SoCs with extremely low power consumption remains high, be it for IoT, mobile, HPC, automotive, cryptocurrency, or AI. As the technology scales down further and system complexity increases, SoC designers rely on memories and logic libraries that consume very low power.


Stay Ahead of Threats and Attacks: Protect Data Across SoC Interfaces - Blog

December 05, 2022

We’re more connected than ever. Whether you are accessing your thermostat from across the globe or watching furry friends over the pet cam, all that connection—the data transmitting from cloud to car, from phone to bank, from data center to TV—is susceptible to physical attacks and tampering.


Why UCIe Is an Integral Interconnect for Multi-Die Systems - Blog

November 08, 2022

As multi-die systems grow more prevalent in the semiconductor space, the Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe) specification is taking center stage.

Debug & Test

Tektronix's PCI Express® 6.0 Receiver Test Solution for Next-Gen High-Speed Devices - News

October 10, 2022

BEAVERTON, OREGON. Tektronix, Inc., in collaboration with Anritsu Corporation, announced a solution that enables testing of PCIe® 6.0 (Base) receivers and transmitters and addresses the demands of next-generation high performance systems. With this release, Tektronix provides a cohesive PCIe 6.0 transmitter and receiver test solution that delivers faster test times, higher-quality measurements, and an intuitive user interface.


Could Remastering Silicon Be the Answer to the Global Chip Shortage? - Blog

October 03, 2022

There hasn’t been another time in recent memory where semiconductors have become as critical to fueling the electronics industry’s economic framework. This has become abundantly clear with the global chip shortage, which continues to distress industry sectors from automotive to consumer electronics.