The Problem with the CHIPS Act, Part 1

May 26, 2022

The Problem with the CHIPS Act, Part 1

On this episode of the Embedded Insiders, Brandon and Rich discuss whether the IoT is “newer” than M2M or connected embedded, or has the name just changed while the definition remains the same? Perhaps it’s not new, it’s just moved to the edge and adopted “new” capabilities.


Later, Brandon and Rich are joined by John Costello, Corporate Vice President of Government Affairs at Microchip Technology, to discuss the state-of-the-art vs. the state-of-the-practice and which of the two the U.S. government should be funding. The decision is all wrapped up in a piece of legislation known as the CHIPS Act. 

Finally, ECD Assistant Editor, Taryn Engmark, takes a peek into the future of EV charging infrastructure with Dunstan Power, Director of ByteSnap Design and Preye Ivry, network innovation engineer at Nortech Management Ltd. The three highlight the design, development, and testing of an EV discharge platform under the VehIcle-to-Grid Intelligent controL Project, also known as VIGIL.

Read about VIGIL in, "Success Story: How Electric Vehicles Can Give Back to the Grid."