
Les Algorithmes
Saint Aubin, 91190
Articles related to ZettaScale

ZettaScale Announces Availability of Cloud-to-Microcontroller Platform - News

July 11, 2023

PARIS. ZettaScale Technology recently announced the availability of Zetta, a platform designed to unify communication, storage, and computation across the spectrum from microcontrollers to data centers. Zetta is cloud agnostic and supports the provisioning, monitoring, and managing of infrastructure from cloud to microcontroller and back.


How to Scale IoT Past Distributed Data Silos with the Zenoh Protocol - Story

September 28, 2022

To reduce latency, network utilization, and cost, many IoT deployments now store and analyze data at or near the edge node. But “distributed” can be a bad thing when it comes to data, particularly if it means information gets trapped in silos across a network.

So what happens when you inevitably need it?


ZettaScale Technologies Spins Out from ADLINK and Raises Strategic Investment from TTTech Auto - News

June 02, 2022

The investment marks the start of a strategic partnership between the two companies that will result in the creation of the first European implementation of Data Distribution Service (OMG DDS) that is certified for use in series cars and enables ZettaScale to expand its market coverage from robotics and mission critical middleware to the automotive market.