Secure Thingz

A Simple to Use End-to-End Security Solutions from Secure Thingz - News
March 17, 2022Secure Thingz announced a new version of its industry-leading security solution, Embedded Trust.
Secure Thingz and Hi-Lo Systems Partner to Address Cyber Security-Centric Programming - News
February 22, 2022Secure Thingz, an IAR Systems Group company delivering advanced development and provisioning platforms to secure the IoT, announced their partnership with Hi-Lo Systems, a global leader of device programming services and technologies.
Secure Thingz and Hi-Lo Systems Partner to Address Cyber Security-Centric Programming - Press Release
February 22, 2022Partnership for delivering secure programming and provisioning services across the Asia Pacific region, enabling customers to address the recently published Consumer IoT Security Statement of Support
Secure Thingz and Intrinsic ID Partner to Ensure Supply Chains of Trust for the Embedded Industry - News
January 03, 2022Secure Thingz announced their partnership with Intrinsic ID. The companies intend to integrate Intrinsic ID’s physical unclonable functions (PUF) within Secure Thingz development and provisioning solutions.
Mass Production and Provisioning of Secure IoT Devices Made Faster with Secure Things - News
November 23, 2021Secure Thingz, an IAR Systems Group company, has started a collaboration within the secure programming and provisioning industry.
You Will Be Hacked. Be Ready For It - Story
June 23, 2021When I started the research for this article, I was looking for how OEMs could keep their systems safe from hackers. By the time I finished the research, it became clear to me that my vision was not accurate. You can not design a system that can’t breached, unless it’s one that does not connect to the outside world.
IAR Systems and Secure Thingz Present Embedded Security Compliance Solution for Renesas RX - News
May 28, 2021IAR Systems and Secure Thingz presented Compliance Suite for Renesas RX.