
Tech News Roundup
ICYMI: Embedded Insights January 24 2025 - Video
January 24, 2025Hello Embedded Engineers, Developers and Makers! Welcome to In Case You Missed it: Embedded Insights, the weekly news show all about Embedded technologies and solutions from Embedded Computing Design.
Percepio Detect Delivers Real-Time Risk Analysis and Observability - News
January 22, 2025Percepio announced its Percepio Detect, a new tool redefining how embedded software developers confront testing, debugging, and observability challenges. Percepio Detect supports Observability Driven Development (ODD), enhancing DevOps for embedded systems through its seamless extension of CI/CT workflows.
How Continuous Observability Unlocks Remote Debugging Superpowers - Blog
April 29, 2024As an embedded software engineer at Percepio frequently supporting our customers, I've witnessed first-hand the debugging nightmares developers often face when working with RTOS-based firmware. The complexities of large multi-threaded software systems can make debugging an incredibly frustrating and time-consuming experience. Sometimes you don’t even know where to begin, what parts of the code to focus the debugging on. You step through thousands of code lines without finding any explanation. If you are lucky, you finally spot some clue that gets you on the right track, but it might have taken you several days or weeks to get this far.
Percepio Receives Cybersecurity Certificates, Will Showcase at embedded world '24 - News
February 20, 2024Västerås, Sweden. Percepio revealed that its Percepio DevAlert and its Device Firmware Monitor (DFM) solutions earned a technical cybersecurity review certificate by independent cybersecurity firm Triop AB. During the review, there were no found critical, high, medium, or low-impact security vulnerabilities.
Percepio's Tracealyzer 4.6 Supports PX5 RTOS - News
January 27, 2023Västerås, Sweden, Percepio AB is supporting the release of the fifth-generation RTOS, the PX5. The PX5 RTOS operated on a native implementation of the standard POSIX pThreads API. It will embed the Percepio Tracealyzer 4.6 trace recorder with Percepio supporting the PX5 RTOS with a commercially accessible solution.
Debugging Against the Clock - Blog
November 21, 2022Jessie Guo describes how the University of Calgary (UoC) Solar Car’s software team succeeded in perfecting its solar battery technology in a race against tight deadlines.
Percepio Introduces DevAlert Sandbox - News
June 09, 2022Percepio released DevAlert Sandbox, a ready-to-run online platform for Percepio DevAlert, the company’s monitoring framework for remote anomaly detection and debugging of RTOS software.