ABI Research

2023 Will See Continued Growth for Wearables, But Not With 5G Connectivity - News
January 19, 2023In its whitepaper, 74 Technology Trends That Will—and Will Not—Shape 2023, analysts from ABI Research have identified 41 trends that will shape the technology market and 33 others that, despite receiving plenty of speculation and commentary, are less likely to move the needle over the next twelve months.
Bridging the Gap Between Advanced 5G Technologies and Deployments - Story
August 29, 20225G provides up to 20Gbit/s peak data rates, 100x faster download speeds and network capacity, and 10x lower latency than 4G networks. But some of the most significant benefits of 5G networks are their abilities to support service-based architectures (SBAs) that tailor resources to specific use cases, in industry and the enterprise.
Data Traffic Increase Will Drive 5G Small Cell Deployments to 13 million by 2027 - News
August 23, 20225G promises mobile network operators and their customers higher capacity and energy efficiency, faster speed, lower RAN latency, and massive connectivity potential. But these benefits are not without tradeoffs — namely in the form of skyrocketing mobile data traffic demands.
Industrial Facilities to Expand 5G Connections with Over 49 Million by 2030 - News
August 22, 20225G Networks are a need in automation, robotics, and augmented reality.
ABI Research Shows IoT Partner Programs are Moving Towards Renewable Energy Verticals - News
May 19, 2022The renewable energy sector and commercial utilities are becoming a fast moving marker for partner programs in IoT.
Requirements for Maximizing the Value of Secure Access Service Edge - News
April 20, 2022Trends accelerated by the pandemic have created significant networking and security challenges: the expansion of the remote workforce, an increasing reliance on cloud infrastructure, and the requirement to connect end-users securely everywhere with applications anywhere. Traditional solutions that have rigid wired network underlays and a requirement for on-premises infrastructure cannot adequately deal with these trends.
4G Technology Represents More Than 60% of All IoT Cellular Module Models - News
January 12, 2022Global technology intelligence firm ABI Research has been actively monitoring the activities of 52 IoT cellular module vendors for the previous two years, collating information about their module portfolios into a single central repository, to offer a thorough overview of all that is available.