Webster & Webster Associates

Articles related to Webster & Webster Associates

Hiring in the Embedded and IoT Technology Market - Blog

August 06, 2024

Many companies in the embedded and IoT technology markets have experienced flat or decreasing revenue since the pandemic. In the meantime, budgets have recovered, and AI-based innovations are coming thick and fast, all of which aim to make things better, faster, and more efficient. But one thing is clearly missing: qualified technical sales professionals who can bring all the new products to market.


Embedded Executive: Looking For a Job? Focus on Your Writing, Webster & Webster - Podcast

April 17, 2024

Engineers are usually good at engineering, but writing? That’s a different story. In many cases, lacking the ability to write well can hurt engineers. This rears its ugly head when these engineers are job hunting. Having mis-spellings and bad grammar on a resume is a huge red flag. This is particularly true for some real cherry jobs attracting numerous applications.

To understand what this means and the effect it could have on an engineer’s future, I brought back Marcus Webster, who is the principal of Webster & Webster Associates. Marcus last spoke to us about the engineering shortage. Check out this week’s Embedded Executives podcast.

Software & OS

Embedded Executive: We Have an Engineering Shortage - Podcast

November 01, 2023

We have an engineering shortage. Anyone who's familiar with our space wouldn't dispute that. And if you look at the projections, we’re going to need a whole lot more of us going forward. Why is that the case, and more importantly, what are we going to do about it?