ST Balluta Business Centre, Office 6
St Julians, STJ1219
+356 21384311

Application Highlight: SmartCow T1000 Series AI Camera Brings Vision to the Edge - Story
March 18, 2024Computer vision is often thought of as the key that unlocks true industrial automation, and opens the door to low-presence, or even so-called “dark factories.”
The Sphinx has an Eye On You - News
October 19, 2023St. Julians, Malta. SmartCow released its self-contained rugged edge AI camera, Sphinx, with Gigabit Ethernet 5G connectivity and NVIDIA Jetson Orin NX and Xavier NX system-on-modules. The Sphinx comes with dual image sensors with built-in IR illumination and low-light performance. Modular connectivity enables the easy integration of peripheral sensors such as air-quality sensors, LiDAR, and radar.
A SmartCow's AI - News
September 25, 2023St. Julians, Malta. SmartCow has designed a smart spray system to address the future problem have fewer farmers. SmartCow collaborated with a customer and created an innovative spray system for industrial-grade tractor boom sprayers. The solution can deliver a specific quantity of spray with suitable coverage in a quick amount of time. To complete the job, the sprayer integration leverages MARS, SmartCow’s NVIDIA Jetson AGX OrinTM IoT platform, and 12 camera sensors.
Open Source
Dev Kit Weekly: SmartCow Apollo Audio/Visual AI Engineering Kit - Video
August 19, 2022Have you ever taken apart your Amazon Echo? There’s a lot in there, including an embedded applications processor, MEMS microphones, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity, an AWS cloud backend, and a ton of sophisticated automatic speech recognition (ASR) and natural language processing (NLP) software. When you’re ready to put it back together, or better yet want to build your own, you’ll probably be interested in the* SmartCow Apollo Audio/Visual AI Engineering Kit.
SmartCow Edge AINVR Makes Its Debut on the NVIDIA Jetson NX-based Platform for Smart City Initiatives - News
June 20, 2022The first AINVR solution at the edge on the market. It can process up to 8 camera streams and switch between different AI models dynamically.
SmartCow AI Technologies Apollo - Product
June 16, 2022Apollo is an audio/video AI engineering kit that is built around the NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX computing module, which enables developers to build applications with conversational AI capabilities.
SmartCow’s CityStation AIoT Platform Users Can Now Leverage NVIDIA Omniverse to Boost Smart City Initiatives - News
May 19, 2022SmartCow's CityStation users can leverage the power of NVIDIA’s Omniverse via their Digital Twin integration to shorten the early stages of smart city project development and assist with overall stage maintenance.