VP Developer Ecosystems at NVIDIA, Khronos President


Neil Trevett is Vice President of Developer Ecosystems at NVIDIA, where he is responsible for enabling and encouraging advanced applications to use GPU acceleration. Neil is also serving as the elected President of the Khronos Group where he created and chaired the OpenGL ES working group that defined the industry standard for 3D graphics on mobile devices. At Khronos he also chairs the OpenCL working group for portable, parallel heterogeneous computing.

Articles 1 - 2
Open Source

How Open Acceleration Standards are Driving Safety-Critical Development - Story

July 14, 2022

The need for graphics and compute acceleration in embedded markets is growing. Cameras and sensor arrays are increasingly central to many use cases in diverse industries ranging from automotive to industrial and are generating increasingly rich data streams that require sophisticated processing.

Open Source

Open Standards for Accelerating Embedded Vision and Inferencing: An Industry Overview - Story

January 23, 2020

The ever-advancing field of machine learning has created new opportunities for deploying devices and applications that leverage neural network inferencing.

Articles 1 - 2