Energy consumption in modern microcontroller systems, part 4: MCU datasheets, operation modes, controllbits, and more - Story
March 06, 2018Supplier?s marketing statements in datasheets are sometimes hard to verify with the detailed data.
Energy consumption in modern microcontroller systems, part three: The impact of operating temperature on energy consumption - Other
December 15, 2017How do you estimate data about the current or energy consumption of an MCU if no temperature data is available in the datasheet, or no data is available for high temperatures?
Energy consumption in modern microcontroller systems, part 2: ULPBench-core profile, EEMBC documents, and MCU datasheets - Other
October 26, 2017Data sheets and descriptions like app notes are sources to understand company data about energy demand of their products. Can engineers make proper decisions based upon the available data?
Energy consumption in modern microcontroller systems, part 1: A benchmark for ultra-low-power - Story
September 15, 2017When it comes to energy consumption comparisons of MCU/SoC systems, is one benchmark enough or do we need a parametric benchmark?
Energy consumption in modern microcontroller systems - Other
April 18, 2017by Horst Diewald, ProJoule GmbH Is there a strategy that can be applied to both IP-based and standard semiconductor products that will allow device us...