GE High Performance Embedded Computer (HPEC) Center of Excellence
February 12, 2013
Embedded Computing Design
GE High Performance Embedded Computer (HPEC) Center of Excellence
Welcome to GE Intelligent Platform's High Performance Embedded Computer (HPEC) Center of Excellence to support ISR radar and EW applications.
High Performance Embedded Computing, HPEC, is a term used to describe systems specifically developed for embedded environments with specific size, weight and power constraints. These systems are commonly deployed in ARC and land vehicles with typical applications being radar, signal intelligence and processing. I will now show you one of our land development systems you can buy off the shelf today. This system includes a signal processing application using our GE to AXIS middleware.
Our goal is to provide our customers with integrated HPEC system solutions that greatly reduce their time to deployment. We can help customers in buying and sizing their HPEC systems to meet their application needs and we can also offer training and application integration support as well as services such as processor algorithm optimization. Customers benefit from this by leveraging our expertise in our COTS board level products and our application knowledge and by buying an application orientated solution. So instead of buying a set of components that they need to integrate and make work together, they can buy a fully integrated development system that also has a path to a fully rugged deployable solution. The customer can simply turn the system on and start developing their application in minutes.
For more information, please visit
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