Aldec expands design verification solution's rule-checking capabilities

January 17, 2018


Aldec expands design verification solution's rule-checking capabilities

Rules new to the 2017.12 release of ALINT-PRO assure the integrity of a design?s finite state machines (FSMs) and help identify possible reset domain crossing (RDC) issues.

Aldec, Inc. has expanded the rule-checking capabilities of its ALINT-PRO tool in response to growing complexity of large-scale modern FPGA and ASIC designs. Rules new to the 2017.12 release of ALINT-PRO assure the integrity of a design’s finite state machines (FSMs) and help identify possible reset domain crossing (RDC) issues.

Verification of RDCs, also new to the 2017.12 release of ALINT-PRO, targets issues with complex SoC reset strategies and circuits with dynamically switchable regions. For instance, a harmless looking data transfer between registers with unrelated asynchronous reset controls may end with unrecoverable metastability, unless properly addressed at the RTL design phase.

Other new features include:

  • Automatic extraction of FSM descriptions directly from VHDL and Verilog/SystemVerilog RTL code, accompanied with comprehensive FSM rule coverage
  • Introduced support of RDC verification
  • Re-architected verification solution for synchronous reset signals
  • Expanded Aldec SystemVerilog Design rule library with more than 20 new rule checks
  • Over 20 new rule checks and numerous existing rule enhancements that facilitate automated code reviews for VHDL designs, as well as clock/reset trees consistency with design constraints
  • Extended design constraints support with automatic topology-based SDC/ADC drafts generation that covers essential timing properties, placement hints for vendor synthesis tools, as well as block-level constraints for black boxes based on aggregated data from external net connections
  • Added automatic generation of black box components for unresolved VHDL design units
  • Full coverage of block-level constraints for Lattice FPGA libraries for advanced CDC analysis

ALINT-PRO is a design verification solution for RTL code written in VHDL, Verilog, and SystemVerilog, which is focused on verifying coding style and naming conventions, RTL and post-synthesis simulation mismatches, smooth and optimal synthesis, reliable and portable FSM descriptions, avoiding problems on further design stages, clocks and reset tree issues, CDC/RDC, DFT, and coding for portability and reuse. The solution performs static analysis based on RTL and SDC source files uncovering critical design issues early in the design cycle.

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