New Book on Rugged Edge Offers Insights on Industrial Computing

By Ken Briodagh

Editor in Chief

Embedded Computing Design

April 24, 2024


New Book on Rugged Edge Offers Insights on Industrial Computing

A new ebook on edge technology for industrial computing has come out from Premio, a rugged edge embedded computing and industrial display technology company.

The book, Snapshots into the Edge  is a synthesis of analytical and technical information, industry research, and thought leadership from Premio experts. It sets out to offer a concise view of today's edge technology and to address the technical complexity of industrial computing products while helping embedded designers to develop and deploy edge computing solutions. 

“Computing architecture is evolving at a record pace. It’s another new age for optimizing IO and performance, particularly in settings that require rugged, reliable computers,” said Dustin Seetoo of Premio. “But what do those solutions look like, and what are the trends driving them? With 35 years in the market, Premio is in a unique position to break down the complex technical themes behind these choices.”

Designers need to rethink monolithic architectures, the book’s authors assert, by decentralizing compute resources away from the cloud and creating systems that operate close to the source of the data: the edge. Industrial computers at the edge have to combine compute, storage, networking, and ruggedization in remote environments to use data and analytics in machine learning and intelligent systems.

“As compute architectures become more domain-specific, purpose-built systems must process data fast and efficiently – distinguishing real-time performance at the edge. We’ve helped industrial leaders address these pain points, solving challenges in a spectrum of unique and rugged applications,” said Seetoo. “This insightful resource is motivated by our depth of experience, and is a mechanism for knowledge consolidation, strategic planning and vision, and empowering clients' needs.”

Snapshots Into the Edge outlines market research, trends, and predictions for the edge computing space and identifies the important hardware players behind semiconductor technology. It also lays out Premio's relevant product lines and seeks to demonstrate how they fit into the edge ecosystem.

Click here to access and download the book.


Ken Briodagh is a writer and editor with two decades of experience under his belt. He is in love with technology and if he had his druthers, he would beta test everything from shoe phones to flying cars. In previous lives, he’s been a short order cook, telemarketer, medical supply technician, mover of the bodies at a funeral home, pirate, poet, partial alliterist, parent, partner and pretender to various thrones. Most of his exploits are either exaggerated or blatantly false.

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