Digi International Enhances Digi Remote Manager for IoT Network Success
September 08, 2020
Digi International announced an updated release of its Digi Remote Manager, the company's device and network management cloud platform.
Digi International announced an updated release of its Digi Remote Manager, the company’s device and network management cloud platform.
Per the company, Digi Remote Manager expands the ability to simplify device deployment and maintenance, ensuring network uptime and security.
The cloud-based platform allows users to manage IoT devices and networking from essentially anywhere. The manager transforms dispersed IoT devices to a holistic IoT network.
Advances configuration features per a company press release:
· Device grouping allows users to create groups of devices and remotely configure them by group identification rather than product type, so the same device types can be programmed in different ways without reverting to manual configurations on individual devices.
· Custom scripts, such as Python, can be uploaded to geographically dispersed devices to simply add the on-device intelligence users require.
· Remote access to non-IP edge devices, such as sensors, via the routers that they’re connected to expands the array of devices users can manage through the Digi Remote Manager platform.
· Sub Account Management, the ability to create sub accounts that can be managed from the parent account.
· Task automation allows users to create a configuration for a group of devices that is then automatically pushed to all devices in that group, enabling pre-validation of configurations and reducing cost to maintain the deployment.
· Task Scheduling offers the ability to pre-program functions to run at a later time, easing the burden on network engineers and managers while still ensuring a high-functioning network.
The software-defined security provides users with over 175 controls to protext data, devices, and maintain complaiance with ISO27002’s ISMS, NERCs critical infrastructure protection (CIP) guidance, the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Cloud Controls Matrix, as well as relevant HIPAA and NIST standards.
For more information, visit https://www.digi.com/digi-remote-manager