AI Platform Combining Cloud and Edge Services
March 03, 2022

With every passing day, technical demands evolve, and so does the technology we use. Edge services and cloud computing have both improved significantly in the past few years with a wide range of functionalities. Combining both of these technologies offers great advantages.
With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud and edge services can now be fused together more conveniently. The popular AI as a Service platform, SensoryCloud, provides cutting-edge AI tools for achieving this amalgamation of the emerging trio - Cloud, Edge Services, and AI.
Combining cloud and edge services allows users and developers to fuse the benefits of both the technologies to create a more effective and sophisticated system. Cloud edge computing, or edge cloud, is when edge device computations are performed by combining the capabilities of cloud technology within the local storage and processing capability of the devices through gateways. Edge computing vs cloud computing is no longer a point of contention thanks to such a technological convergence.
One of the major setbacks of edge computing involves the use of local memory for storing the data collected through various sources like sensors or transducers. This isn’t an issue anymore with edge cloud as it allows secure storage of huge amounts of data on the cloud. This solves the challenge of real-time data shortages while simultaneously meeting larger data requirements. Needless to say, the data gathered in the cloud may be utilized for better data analytics, data research, and innovation.
Credits: eBiz Solutions
Further, the building of AI models can be made a lot easier using cloud rather than conventional edge services. Accessing the models on the edge devices is more convenient using cloud resources.
Applications that are linked to the edge are more responsive and resilient. Network connectivity plays a critical part in achieving this through sliced networks and capacity control. Edge devices should be able to operate independently of the rest of the network. This further increases the security and privacy of the edge device.
Sensory Cloud’s AIaaS fusing Cloud & Edge Services
The SensoryCloud is one of the first cloud-based AI platforms that offers full control to the users by combining the cloud with edge services. SensoryCloud is a language-agnostic and platform-agnostic AI inference engine with a well-developed APIs, thus increasing the options for structuring data according to custom requirements.
It uses cutting-edge technologies like Go, gRPC, and NVIDIA Triton in addition to industry-standard tools and applications. This provides an edge cloud AI platform with unparalleled speed, accuracy, availability, and privacy.
The SensoryCloud offers a number of AI functionalities like:
- Speech-to-text with batch transcription
- Real-time streaming & captioning
- Biometrics face & voice recognition
- Wake word verification
Featuring verification of embedded wake word events through the cloud, and sound identification, the platform suits ideally for the enterprise target systems. These functionalities reduce the redundant tasks and automates the repetitive jobs allowing resources to focus on significant activities in the work flow.
SensoryCloud is in a unique position to provide a comprehensive solution for merging edge and cloud AI. Custom models that provide speech, vision, or sound feature extraction and inference at each point in the system make features like second stage verification and continuous coverage regardless of network state easier to build.
This provides numerous advantages such as high flexibility through complete customization, improved speed through reduced latency and improved concurrency, high privacy through the security of the cloud, and high accuracy of AI services are just a few to list.
The Edge-Cloud-AI Merger Enhances the Speed and Efficiency of Target Systems
The combination of Edge Services with Cloud with the aid of Artificial Intelligence is changing the field of AIoT and cloud computing for the good. This combination combines the benefits of both cloud technologies as well as smart IoT edge devices. This enhances the speed and efficiency of the systems to a great extent. Further, the security of the cloud provides complete privacy to the users.