Analog Devices
PO Box 9106
Norwood, MA 02062
(781) 329-4700

All-in-One Power Solution for Automotive Infotainment?Single IC Produces Five Rails Directly from Battery - Story
April 02, 2019The complex mix of electronic components contained in automobile infotainment systems mirrors consumer electronics: high performance microcontrollers, memory, interface, and driver ICs.
Embedded Software - Squeezing the Most Out of Low Power Modes - Story
March 18, 2019The simplest application of power modes is that when a system is idle, you put it to Sleep. Today?s MCUs, however, offer multiple low power modes, further complicating low power design.
Comprehensively Understand and Analyze Switching Regulator Noise - Story
March 06, 2019This article will introduce several different types of inherent switching regulator noise: switching ripple, wideband noise, and high frequency spike.
IoT Roadshow, Massachusetts - ADI: Get Into the Application to Really Understand It - Video
May 31, 2016Michael Murray, General Manager of Analog Devices’ Industrial Sensing Group, described the company’s initiative into autonomous sensing. You’re not familiar with that technology?