Nordian Assists Global Application Developers

August 13, 2024


Image Credit: Nordian

Nordian announced its Precisio Smart Antenna Series for global application developers and targeting sectors such as Agriculture, Mining, Drone technology, and Surveying. Nordian's Precisio Smart Antenna Series ensures precise positioning, offering centimeter-level accuracy within seconds and a 50 Hz position update rate.

By leveraging both satellite and IP corrections, the Smart Antenna Series offers flexibility and adaptability across diverse applications making it attractive to developers seeking cost-effective, accurate, and reliable positioning solutions.

Nordian’s Precisio Smart Antenna Series works seamlessly with the Precisio OEM offering a high-precision board crafted for OEMs that need to integrate GNSS technology with u-blox’s PointPerfect PPP-RTK correction services to achieve positioning accuracy.

Michael Schramm, CEO and founder, Nordian, said, “As the global market for autonomous vehicles and devices gathers pace the ability to precisely locate and position, down to cm level, becomes incredibly relevant. For application developers in the Agriculture, Mining, Drone and Surveying sectors we enable cost effective plug and play solutions to speed time to market.”

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