Robot and Facility Sensor Integrations Unified Under Nimbus
February 22, 2023

NVIDIA partner Cogniteam revealed one platform as a new means to develop and manage the robot and its IoT environment by utilizing reliable Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) devices, based on the Nimbus’ library of developed field-deployed software components. This reduces the prototype development time by 60%.
“Successful robot deployments demand a single development platform for both the machine and facility integrations,” Said Dr. Yehuda Elmaliah, Co-Founder & CEO of Cogniteam.
Cogniteam strengthened the Nimbus Robotic Operating System to operate the full lifecycle process for both standalone IoRT devices, IoRT fleets, and IoT devices. The software components consist of packets for global IoT leaders and their communication protocols in the drag-and-drop system known from Nimbus.
Elmaliah continues, “Bringing both the robotic and environmental IoT device development under one roof opens exciting new opportunities for beginner through advanced developers.”
Medical labs and facilities for sensitive data are adopting the Nimbus to correctly program sensors in conjunction with the robot for a precise and clear purpose
“This is a major step in integrating robots in a shared human space,” said Dr. Eliahu Khalastchi, research scientist at Cogniteam. “We’re training robots to read social cues and act in a more predictable and natural manner when on the street or in a facility, completing its mission while naturally interacting with humans”.
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